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How to Create a Website That Is Both User-Friendly and SEO-Optimised in 2023.

How to Create a Website That Is Both User-Friendly and SEO-Optimised in 2023.


2 minutes, 47 seconds read

Your website serves as your brand ambassador, online storefront, and electronic brochure. It serves as both your company’s first impression on prospective clients and your primary communication tool. Therefore, it is essential that your website is created in a user-friendly and SEO-optimised manner. 

A user-friendly website is one that is simple to use, loads quickly, and encourages user interaction. When a website is SEO-optimised, it means that it complies with the standards and recommendations set forth by search engines, particularly Google. This can help you rank higher in search results and increase organic traffic to your website. 

 But how do you create a website that is both user-friendly and SEO-optimised in 2023? 

Implement responsive design. Your website can adjust to different screen sizes and devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, thanks to the responsive design technique. The user experience and SEO performance of your website can both be enhanced by responsive design, which makes sure that your website looks great and works well on any device. The mobile version of your website is used as the main source for ranking by Google, which has also implemented mobile-first indexing. 1 2

 Core Web Vitals should be optimised. The user experience of a web page is measured by a set of metrics called Core Web Vitals. These metrics include page loading time, interactivity, and visual stability. Websites that provide a quick, easy, and interesting user experience will have an advantage over rivals, according to Google’s announcement that Core Web Vitals will start to affect rankings in 202332. You must measure and enhance your page performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, and Search Console if you want to optimise your website for Core Web Vitals. 

Talk in a casual, everyday tone. The use of words and phrases that are frequently found in everyday speech by real people is referred to as natural and conversational language. You can connect with your audience, clearly communicate your message, and boost conversions by using conversational, natural language. Additionally, it can assist you in optimising your website for semantic and voice search 45. Instead of just matching keywords, semantic search refers to the capacity of search engines to comprehend the context and intent of a query. Using voice commands to conduct a search on a device, such as a smartphone or smart speaker, is known as “voice search.” Long-tail keywords, common question answers, and schema markup are all necessary for optimising your website for natural and conversational language. 

Produce informative and timely content. The king of SEO is content, as it is the primary determinant of how well-designed and relevant your website is to users and search engines alike. Text, images, videos, audio, and infographics are all examples of content. 


Designing a user-friendly and SEO-optimised website in 2023 is not a simple task, but it is a rewarding one. By following these tips and trends, you can create a website that offers a great user experience and ranks well on search engines. This can help you attract more visitors, generate more leads, and grow your business online. If you need help with your website design or SEO strategy, contact us today at Recognise Designs. We are a tech services company that provides SEO-related services, web and app design and optimisation, business intelligence, and more. We can help you create a website that stands out in 2023 and beyond.

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